Stroppy Tart Alert
I'm a huge Tom Peters fan and have just reminded myself why after a quick rescan of the 2005 'Trends' book. It's astonishing how accurate he is. The chapter on the opportunities around marketing to women has always been something I've found highly puzzling. It seems OK to talk about 'Gen' this and 'empty nest' something but as soon as you start talking about 'marketing to women' you get the 'uh oh, stroppy tart' eye roll. Tom Peters beleaguers the point that it's not about being patronising and WYMNSY; it's about opportunity. Yes Tom,you are right. Why can marketing departments full of women not get this?
It's also interesting how the examples he uses all echo my own experiences: hotels and cars. I've also added a wee gem I hear women in marketing departments moan about every day: ad agencies.
So you think I'm a slapper?
Hotel:Is it just you?
Hotel: How many for breakfast?
Hotel: It's OK if you order two (wink)
Hotel:We don't mind ,it won't show on the tab (winks again)
Me: One is fine.
Please hotel people there is a massive opportunity to market to women business travellers. I was impressed recently by a hotel that had a Cuisine food magazine waiting for me, Diet Coke get it. Talk about secure access from the car park, crank up the heater and have low-fat cereal. Women like warm and pretending to eat healthy.
Fast Cars and No Money
I come from a family of car dealers. I've driven hundreds of cars. I love cars and know a bit about them. I do my own oil changes. All car dealers know that the woman is the decision maker- 'Sell the car to the wife'. I went to the dealer to select my company car. Some of the guys from the office came for a trip because they were bored. I was standing there with a generous car allowance ready to hand to someone and being completely ignored while the three male tyre kickers test drove sports cars. It wasn't until the dealer asked for one of the guys licenses to do the change of ownership the penny dropped: 'Um, it's actually for me-I'm their boss."
Open Letter To Ad Agencies
Dear Ad Agencies,
I don't need an account manager with hot legs and big boobs. Please give me one that knows about marketing or in the least, one that can send and receive emails. Help/support/collaborate/LISTEN is important. I don't need my ego stroked. regards, your chick client (and all the other mainly chick clients that make up this department). PS. Your Christmas party with topless strippers on poles was hideous, tacky, and distasteful. The 5% male attendees got some great pics, the 95% chick attendees are still reeling. It's Easter. (*true story).
Most Women In Marketing Are Women
Shocking I know. Trust your instincts and don't approve things that don't make sense to you. It's not WYMNSY, it's understanding your customers. Right, off to ShowGirls (?!)
The paradox of insular language
1 year ago