The focused strategy to actively drive content continues at Youtube with the acquisition of facilities to develop big gear Youtubers.
"Purchased by Google 2006 for $1.65 billion in stock, YouTube is trying to turn itself into a broadcaster of premium, original content.
YouTube said it would make the Playa Vista location an extension of its Next Lab facility in New York. The Lab, as it will be called, will focus on boosting the careers of YouTube's most popular content creators, offering them the chance to collaborate with industry experts and one another while using equipment provided by YouTube.
Once just a clearinghouse for amateur videos, YouTube in recent years began cultivating semiprofessional videographers, seeking to harness their grass-roots star power and helping them grow their audiences. Through its Partner Program, the San Bruno, Calif., company has invited more than 30,000 budding filmmakers to share in the revenue it collects from displaying ads alongside their videos.
Because videos produced by YouTube "partners" are generally higher quality and less likely to contain objectionable content, they also command higher advertising rates — seen as key to helping YouTube to reach its goal of becoming profitable. Mountain View, Calif.-based Google has not said whether the video giant is in the black.
Playa Vista is among the Westside locations now attracting businesses in creative fields such as electronic media, entertainment, technology and advertising, said real estate broker Jeff Pion of CBRE Group Inc.
"I think people want to be in an environment that stimulates creativity," Pion said.
Read the full article here
The 'lets make a fancy version of a cool kids content farm' is fascinating and it wil be interesting to see how it works and the sort of stuff that comes out of it.
The epic pre-teen fandom around people such as Mitchell Davis could be the place to foster niche audiences that love the crap out of your brands. Either that or they will smell the adman a mile away and run.
Many TV shows in the US are experiencing the 'niche fan' phenomena where they require less viewers than what used to be required to keep a show from being canned as the audiences fragment.
Smart companies will be tracking these creators and getting in early on what could be a creative force that changes advertising.
Either that or it will suck. Humans are fickle.
The utimate Youtuber guide (all 90-odd pages of it) has also been released so you can get a bit of sophistication into your handy cam moments.