Friday, April 27, 2012

Nice Twitter Ghosting Disclosure From The Pirate Crew

I think we all agree that ghosting is a bit of a stupid thing. I tried it for while too help out time poor business people but it really doesn't wash with audiences nowadays.

The Discovery Channel people have obviously got the message with Deadliest Catch that people want to hear from Captain Johnathan the pirate not Casper the PR ghost. 

Very impressed to see this disclosure in the tweet.

It looks like a small thing but for me as a fan, it shows they understand I want to hear from him in first person and it builds trust. Nicely done. 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center"><p>(Assistant here).The custom Time Bandit coupe for @capt_andy made by Slicks Garage.…</p>&mdash; Johnathan Hillstrand (@captjohnathan) April 26, 2012</blockquote>

<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Monday, April 9, 2012

US Masters Pro Goes Social in China With Tencent Weibo


There are some pretty nice social activations coming out of the US Masters golf at the moment. 

I was especially pleased to see the Rory McIlroy WhoSay page with a Tencent Weibo link. 


Tencent Weibo is China's number one microblogging site. They have been making a play for English speaking celebrities to extend their reach outside of Asia and make sure they are positioned for Silicon Valley's run for their audience. As a student of Mandarin, I've been watching with interest (and also some fear at how rusty my Chinese has got) and having a play with a account in the hope that one day I can use it without Google translate. 

Sometimes it pays to remind ourselves that English is the third most spoken language in the world behind Mandarin and Spanish.  

Better brush up on my Chinese.



Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Annual Awesome Easter Message With Limited Edition Colouring In Batman Thing

I was going to do my annual Easter message and then I started pondering. 

This time last year I was in Mt Eden prison on Easter Sunday. It was quite a moving experience for me being in a high security jail seeing the Chaplains ministering to those that have to be locked away from everybody else. 

I was there for work reasons on the contract management of prisons project. One day, I would like to write a book about the life changing experience I had there.

(I started writing a short story about the ghost that lives in the old special needs unit offices where I was but I kept freaking myself out writing at night, thinking he was going to be standing there looking at me).

The famous Dostoyevsky quote "The degree of civilisation in a society can be judged by entering its prisons" rings very true for me. 

I was only passing through and my human compass spun out. Things I thought I knew and had believed my whole life were laid out in front of me to make decisions about. Concepts of power, fear, redemption, forgiveness, good and evil come to life.  You realise how lucky you are not to have been raised in violence and brokenness. You realise that we all make mistakes and need someone to advocate for us. 

Today, I can only really restate what I said in an old Easter post and present to you this amazing colouring in activity. It has my Advocate and Batman in it and I love it. 

Happy Easter.



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