Thursday, May 31, 2012

Smartphones are pretty dumb without data


Smartphone adoption statistics seems to get a lot of media coverage and open up debates about how businesses need to adopt their models to the new world of the mobile consumer and the 'second screen.'

What the research seems to ignore is that most smartphone owners have very small data allowances that render the device no better than a $30 Nokia flip phone from 2002. 

Case in point was TEDx Sydney last weekend. It was a fantastically well run event let down a tad by the lack of open WiFi at the venue. If the premise of TED is to share ideas then surely WiFi would have enabled much greater amplification? 

I was on a reasonably large local data plan and could tweet and post photos freely (when the 3G reception held together). Many attendees had dragged along a full suite of smartphones, tablets and laptops, only to find they couldn't connect. Relative to the 800-odd people at the event, I thought the online streams were pretty quiet and a great opportunity was lost to invite in a global online community. 

So perhaps now we need to concentrate our efforts not on the hardware but on data enablement. 

Statistically, younger people are more likely to publish to social networking sites but they are also less likely to have expensive company data plans. User-generated content is the holy grail of social media so any investment to enable photo and video sharing will surely be worth your while. 

Without data, smartphones are pretty dumb regardless of how many people have them. 





Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Quiet please, is sleeping

Last week I joined Microsoft's on a BETA invite and had a little look around. It seems to be very video-centric (no surprises there) and has followed the Pinterest model of Facebook ID sign in to Skynet all your friends and build an audience rapidly. 

Apart from that, I've filed it neatly in my 'sleeper site' category and really don't have much else to say about it. 

What's a 'sleeper site'?

I call sites or social networks that I don't initially have a lot of use for 'sleeper sites'. I'll reserve an account, have a quick play and then leave it to simmer away and build some features and users. 

I want to hug you and squeeze you

There are very few sites that I instantly fall head over heels in love with. 

Trademe was love at first site (I used to be a TopSeller). Same with Typepad, Twitter and, this cute little guy, Posterous. Instantly, hundreds of hours of chirpy dial up iHug modem time. I had brief affairs with Yahoo, webmonkey, myspace, ICQ, Viddler and about another 20-odd sites if my namechk records are accurate.  

Facebook was a sleeper. LinkedIn was a sleeper. Tumblr has recently risen from three years of obscurity to 'chosen child' status in my browser by attracting a large, young, super creative and commercial-free audience that curates exceptional content rapidly with the reblog feature. 

I'm not sure what causes an awkward social reject to turn into a 'killer app' but I would never be silly enough to write off big players like Microsoft ( and Google (Google +) in the social network space. 

For now, I'll just leave them sleeping.

Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2012 Yellow™ Social Media Report SMB Social Media

Australian SMB research released today. 

Highlights of the report include:

-          27% of small, 34% of medium and 79% of large businesses have a social media presence

-          22% of small businesses update their social media every day, while 28% of them do it once a week

-          39% of medium businesses update their social media every day

-          83% of small businesses on social media have a Facebook page

-          27% of small businesses on social media have a Twitter account

-          79% of medium businesses on social media have a Facebook page

-          33% of medium businesses on social media have a Twitter account

The full report is available here

FinalYellow_SocialMediaReport_digital_screen.pdf Download this file


Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yesterday I went to TEDx Syndey