Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oops! Yes I've Been There. An Interesting Lesson In Media Calls

I thought this was a really interesting insight into how a media call goes. 

Most people talk a big game about press releases and media relations but the conversation outlined below is the reality. 

I'm a big fan of Kim Knight; she is an experienced and talented writer for Sunday Star Times. 

Check out the convo. This could be you. Even the most experienced players get caught up. 



WHEN the  Sunday Star-Times phoned last week, the one-time Breakfast presenter's "no comment" ran almost five minutes. On the same day his former TVNZ boss Rick Ellis went to Government House to make a personal apology about Henry's comments on the governor-general's ethnicity, this is the conversation Henry had when he wasn't having a conversation.

SST: Is there any chance that we could have a catch-up?

PH: Look, I really haven't got anything to say to be honest. I've made the decision that, unlike Chris Carter, I will go quietly.

SST: So there's no book?

PH: No, there's no book.

SST: One of the reasons I specifically wanted to call was that last year when we did that interview you intimated that you supported a few charities and things that people might have been surprised about. I just wondered if now was the time to show another side of you.

PH: You know, it might be, but I'm not really interested in it. I'm happy that I do it myself without other people knowing.

SST: Right.

PH: I think I'll just sort of shuffle off quietly.

SST: The other thing is in that interview when we actually discussed whether or not you were racist, you made the statement that everybody is a racist to one degree or another.

PH: Mmm.

SST: And obviously I've got all those notes still on file. I just wanted to give you the opportunity to elaborate on that.

PH: No, cos see, like I say, I don't want to say anything. I think there's been a huge amount of publicity and it's just time to let it go.

SST: Will be there be a women's magazine story?

PH: I certainly haven't got one planned at the moment.

SST: Have they approached you?

PH: Yes.

SST: How much are they offering?

PH: They haven't spoken. Well, that's not entirely true, two of them have spoken to me, not spoken to me, left messages, and one of them has suggested an amount of money.

SST: Is it a lot?

PH: Umm. Not to me.

SST: Is it enough?

PH: Is that a good answer?

SST: How much? How much?

PH: No, I can't tell you how much.

SST: Right. Are you considering those?

PH: No, I'm not considering, like I say, at the moment I'm not considering anything. If I were to do anything at all, it would be one thing only and that certainly isn't no

SST: Right. Would you consider doing that one thing only with us [the Sunday Star-Times], down the track?

PH: Yeah, I could possibly consider that, yeah.

SST: How do we need to make that approach in a formal ...

PH: Why don't you make an approach in a couple of weeks. I'm definitely not considering doing anything at all for the next few weeks.

SST: I'm sure other people have offered you this as well, but if you wanted to write something, that's another opportunity that we could offer you.

PH: From my point of view, I have no interest in getting even or setting scores straight or anything like that. I just think from the point of view of the phenomenal response. I mean, I'm very hard to humble, quite frankly – but it has been damn near a humbling response. I cannot believe the literally tens upon tens of thousands of people who have actually taken the trouble to, one way or the other, have gone to the effort to either write, or join a Facebook group, not that that's much trouble, or something like that, so it's actually because of those people that I just, in the back of my mind, think maybe, just before I disappear forever, I could say something. But, like I say, that time isn't now.

SST: "Just before I disappear forever" – do you think we're not going to see you ever again? I mean we just heard this morning that Tony Veitch has got his job back (as Radio Sport breakfast host).

PH: Yeah, yeah, he might need a job more than me. Look, you never say never. All I can tell you is how I'm feeling right at the moment and I can't imagine I'll be doing anything again in the public eye but, like I say, that's, just, I can't imagine it.

SST: What is the job that you deep down want to do?

PH: This isn't an interview now, is it?

SST: Well, I'm taking notes, but I am curious given money is no object ...

PH: It's important to me that I don't, I don't want to say anything now, I don't want this to turn into an interview.

SST: Well, we didn't say we were off the record.

PH: In which case there's absolutely no chance that you would get the interview (laughs).

SST: So aren't you happy for me to quote...

PH: Clearly this is an interview now so I'm going to have to end it because I don't want to give an interview.

SST: Well, let's just go back over what you've said. You haven't ...

PH: No, I don't want to give an interview and I made that quite clear at the beginning.

SST: Nooo.

PH: So, well, we'll just leave it there, OK?

Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Read This Article --It's Awesome

If you know me you'll know that I frequent the 'private sector library' aka Borders on a Sunday and read the horribly expensive imported magazines. I spill coffee on them and tear up their pages and then leave. Bad customer. 

I read this article today and it is super awesome. 

Please read it.It's fabulous. 

I can't tell you much more because it will ruin it. 

I love this article at so many levels. 

Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Many Germs Are On My Cell Phone?

My First Job


My first job was at a New World supermarket.

I was hired as a 'packer'. Packing groceries. Hence the name of the job. Supermarkets are pretty awesome and creative like that with naming jobs and things. Guess what they call trolley boys?

The guy that owned the supermarket decided pretty early on that I was retarded. It may have had something to do with me packing pool chemicals in a bag with someone's silverbeet once. They rang and complained because the pool chemicals leaked all through their silverbeet and they could have died or something.

After being tagged as a low-performace lemon with no promotional opportunites, I was given the job of looking after the toilet rolls, tissue boxes and paper towels. Sometimes I would make a fort out in the warehouse with the pallets of paper towels and have a little 20 minute power nap. I didn't mind stacking the toilet rolls. It's just like a big game of spongey tetris without the architectural challenge. We had to wear this fugly light blue 50's housewife smock with a red zip. Thankfully it was pre-mobile phone days so no images exist of this horrific sight and therefore, it never happened. My manager was called Wendy and she was angry all the time. Probably because she worked full-time doing something that a punk 14-year old kid like me couldn't even be arsed doing.

I don't know why I'm telling you this.  

Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Don't Treat Your Customers Like They're Stupid

It seems that most companies do. For sure a lot of professional services companies do. I'm not really into 'pitching' for business. Rolling up to the executive team and telling them how to run their business seems all a bit silly. How can I possibly know more about the business goals and brand strategy of a company than the people that do it all day long for a job? Do you seriously think brand managers don't know their target market, competitor positioning or customer media consumption? If they don't, they are either a) new or b) not very good at their job.

Sitting down with the executive team, hearing some of their current issues and working through business cases with them is far more effective and to be honest, I just enjoy it more. Often the company knows what they need to do, they just haven't had the focused resource to do it. Sometimes they just need some more buy-in from offshore budget holders or other parts of the business.

I'm not sure if it's just because I've done more time on client side then agency side and just got tired of the patronising glitter and unicorns presos.

When I see some of the presentations and conference agendas (especially around social media) it just makes me cringe. To me it shows that you clearly don't understand the industry and the people that work in it.

Most of the people I work alongside are smart, love what they do and take their profession seriously. They are often human Google databases on media stats, campaign budgets and market behaviour.

Listen, ask lots of questions and work through real-world business challenges rather then conceptual candyfloss. Your customers are probably quite smart and they'll respond a lot more positively to you if you listen, ask lots of questions and don't tell them how to suck eggs on their area of specialty. 

Posted via email from cjlambert's posterous

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Paid Vs Earned Media: Exhibit A

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Massive Is Google?